Lasting Change

I bathe two year old Rumgero. He takes it upon himself to scoop water on his head and scrub with a bar of soap. I hold him as he air dries and proceed to cover him in Vaseline. I dress him. He clings to me, one hand in his mouth, the other twisted in my hair…Read On…


Yesterday, I was blessed with another amazing opportunity that will impact my life forever. The City Hill youth group along with our family has been sponsoring a child named Ruth through Compassion…Read On…

Full of Opportunity

The first of the buildings that will house children is in process. Men work hard to accomplish so much – and there isn’t a power tool in sight…Read On…

City Hill Team Arrives

The warm night air greeted us as we stepped off the plane at Kigali Airport. The smell was pleasing, fresh and to me, inviting. What time is it? In the words of little Kaitlin as we landed, “Rwanda time!” …Read On…

Architecture 101 — Back To School?

I spent most of the day with my butt in a chair, either at the guest house or the FVA office, but after a full 9-hour work day (with an hour for lunch, of course–let’s be real)…Read On…

Our African “Mamas,” Forever They Will Be

I walked through the gate at PEFA with Nicolas clinging to my side, Chance extending her hand, and Boyi whipping out some playing cards with the biggest white smile. I was filled with so much excitement to love on the children and so many ideas to help improve their lives. I was unaware of my role in serving the mothers of the orphanage and how much joy I would receive through doing so… Read On…

Mwaramutse inshuti!

I am currently writing from the Faith Victory Association office a few minutes from our home here in Rwanda. My project here has been to develop a structure and protocol for FVA’s developing child sponsorship program. I spent a semester last year researching child sponsorship in conjunction with New Mercies Ministries, so it has been a blast for me to be able to put more of that knowledge to use. Thus far Karen and I have focused on creating guidelines for communication…Read On…

Murambi and Nyungwe

The past few days have been busy as usual; we have been going about our business at the different areas that we have been placed and attempting to live the life of the Rwandans. We can see the Lord working in so many ways. Most of our daily American distractions have been taken away from us, so Jesus looks bigger and better every day, simply because our day is focused in Him…Read On…

Follow the Leader (Mama)

When the sun has set, dinner has been served, and team conversations have diminished, next comes my bedtime routine. Bed net tucked under the mattress while leaving…Read On…

Simple Joys

Pefa is a small orphanage in the country…During my time there I had mashed beans spread on my pants, snot wiped on my shirt, and sticky, sucked on fingers wound through my hair…Read On…